Search Engine Optimisation

No matter how good a businesses product or service, if your website isn’t appearing in the top 5 in the search results the chances of eventual business failure are uncomfortably high.
Milton Keynes SEO

SEO as an Investment

We believe SEO should be seen as an investment, rather than an expense. This ethos is always in our minds when speaking and working with clients, which inevitably keeps us focused on delivering measurable results time and time again.

We have a range of packages and services which suit businesses of varying types as well as at different stages of their development. Understanding the intricacies and nuances of optimising websites to improve search rankings allows us to help our clients get their message across, beat their competition and generate more traffic.

We make clients more money than we charge them.

Our main goal in delivering our service is to make our clients more money than we charge them. This sounds simple enough and obvious from an ROI perspective but so many organisations, SEO companies and industry professionals approach client work in a very different way.

We take pride in our work and ensure that everything we do is targeted specifically at achieving a goal of more traffic, more conversions and ultimately a better bottom line, rather than just ‘doing’ for the sake of ‘doing’. Many of our clients have very tight budgets when it comes to SEO, and as with any investment, it should be justified by the value returned and the results delivered.

We start any project, be it SEO or anything else, by first understanding the goals, problems, targets and expectations. This couldn’t be more important than in SEO work due to the often vague promises and services offered by many.

When working with clients, we try to help businesses make sense of all the fluff and jargon, by delivering clear, concise and regular reports while we focus on content relevance, authority, competition, usability, site health and other aspects of a well executed SEO campaign, both on and off site.

Another important point we like to convey to our clients is that there are several approaches to achieving the goal of improved search rankings. Some take the approach of trying to ‘trick’ the search engines in order to rank higher, with quick fixes and questionable tactics.

We KNOW that the only proven, long term approach is to focus on relevant quality content, links from relevant and reputable sources and avoiding all underhand techniques that will just end up with a penalty from Google.

There’s a lot more to it than that obviously, but trying to outsmart a huge team of some of the most talented software engineers on the planet will only result in very temporary results at best, and ultimately removal from search indexes altogether.

There’s a phrase that’s commonly associated with good SEO practices and that is “Content is King”. Search engines endeavour to deliver the highest quality, most relevant content for whatever their users type into the search bar. Our job is to make sure your site matches those expectations.

Getting to the top of Google can enable you to experience growth faster than you ever thought possible.

Find out how we do it today

Leave your competitors scratching their heads.

Get in touch today so together, we can find the right online path for your business.